

Someone has made it clear to me that i have been neglecting the blog ;0) And i must admit that ive had little time to write anything considering the fact that i spend ALL of my spare time moving..Booo! I hate it but am SO excited to finally be settled into our new place..my goal is to be almost completely moved in by this Sunday! I think i will shock everybody but i am reading a book! *ghasp* :0) I decided to read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer to see what all the fuss is about and i actually like it..alot!

I dont read many books because i usually get bored and never finish them. Its only been a few days and im almost done reading Twilight..i think i might even consider reading the whole series. What else..lets see..OH! Matt and i are thinking about adopting another 'child' :0) We either want a Doberman or a german shepherd puppy!

Now that we have a backyard we have room for one :0) Anywho thats about all thats been going down in our neck of the woods..OH and i got a raise at work! Thats exciting too :0)


  1. Haha. Thanks for the update. I guess you're not so stinky now. I read the first Twilight book and want to see the movie, but tell me...Does Bella irritate you just a little bit? Her reasoning for liking Edward sometimes drove me crazy...And the whole he was obsessed with her partly because he wanted to eat her created a wierd dynamic for me.:) But I read it really quickly like you and it was entertaining...so who cares I guess.;) Anyways, that's cool that you have a backyard. We are moving on the 20th of February to a townhouse and I can't wait!

  2. Ummm....stop getting animals and have some cute kids!!!!

  3. I have the rest of the series, and I got Mom hooked on them, but you can borrow them when she's done ;) I loved them, and can't wait for the 4th!

  4. oh, and I saw WORD! to Schmalison's comment ;)

  5. saw your blog yesterday, tried to call and matt had your phone on a ride along with a warden....glad to hear you are getting into a bigger place....you won't know what to do with all that room! (not sure a puppy is such a great idea just yet, but you do know that they grow up to great big dogs later?haha)(rusty dog is still waiting for you to take him too and he's already potty trained:) as for the twilight series, i just finished book two and will start book 3 while at avila next week:)
    love you lots!

  6. WOW, a new house, new dog, and new furniture! what more could a girl ask for?! :) i love the couches you had pictures of. beautiful!

  7. tenille-

    Love, Love, Love these books.

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