
Easter Happenings

Last week we had some visitors for Easter! Andrew (Matts brother) Yana (his wife) and Dariyan (their cute little boy) came up and stayed with us for a few days! It was SO nice to see them/have them here! We didnt want to let them leave when it was time for them to go home ;0) Easton and Dariyan are only 5 days apart so its always really fun to see them together. They became fast friends and spent alot of time playin cute! ♥ We spent alot of time just relaxing and chit-chatting. We went to the park and went on a short hike. Then we played with our cute little men and watched them walk/crawl around on the grass :0) We took about a million pictures while they were up here (we couldnt help ourselves!) so bear with me ;0)
While they were here, we all went out on the boat (Yana and Dariyans first time!) The babies both did surprisingly well and it was fun to get out on the water!
I wanted to take pictures of our little men together for their first Easter so i made them matching bow-ties for the occasion :0) Ive been trying to learn how to use my camera in manual mode and was pretty bummed because all of the pictures turned out really dark! (i think the ISO needed to be higher)  but I managed to fix up a few for your viewing pleasure ;0)
 On Easter Sunday, we all went to church together and had fun wrestling with our little guys and trying to keep them quiet during Sacrament (no easy task!) It was refreshing to have someone there in the same boat as me for once! (Our ward doesnt have alot of young ppl ;0) After church the boys opened their presents from the Easter Bunny! ;0)
...Easton was in to it ;0)
Our wonderful guests had to get going so we took a couple more pictures with our sweet little boys before they left..
We were very sad to see them all go but so happy that they got to come up for a visit! Hopefully we will have more visitors soon! :0) The End.


  1. I will boldly, unapologetically, unequivocably state that I (we) have the two cutest grandsons EVER, ANYWHERE!!!!!!! Great camera work by Tenille and Yana - you have two amazing subjects to photograph!! We are so blessed to have a wonderful, beautiful (inside and out!) family! Love you all! ~ Mom G. xoxo (and Dad, of course!)

  2. The pictures of the boys are so cute! Ella and her cousin Gabe are only a week apart and they are such good friends. I'm sure the boys will be the same way. It makes family get togethers that much more fun watching them play together!

  3. What adorable pictures! Looks like the boys had a great time (and their parents too:) It's really weird, but I found myself saying, which baby is that? I didn't realize how much they look alike...maybe just being the same age or something. They have really grown and I can't believe they will be one this month! Crazy!!
    Love, momb

  4. Okay, Doug and I have already looked at these pics at least 10 times!!! We just can't get enough of the six of you!!! We are SO happy you all got to spend time together! Happy memories for you all! And, happy times for us to know of your love for each other - thanks for being our kids and grandkids!!! (Can we please get copies of all these pics, please?!) Love you. ~Mom G.

  5. You picked the perfect material for the darling bow ties you made!
    (>o<) Great job!

  6. Actually, the last remark was made by me (Mom), but it's signed in on Dad's account. He agrees with me, though!
