White OR black?

SO, i am having a difficult time deciding on what color nursery furniture to get...we just painted the nursery a nice gender neutral aqua blue color and im not sure if i want to get white furniture or black furniture?! So a little help and suggestions here would be much appreciated! ;0)

I like white because our nursery is small and i think white furniture would make the room seem a little bigger however i also wonder if white stuff would get dirty super fast and be a pain to clean all.the.time. I am also a fan of classic black. I think it looks good and might be easier to keep clean as well but i dont want it to make the room seem smaller...which it may or may not do..anyways, if you have some imput on the subject i would love to hear it :0)


  1. I like the black because its classy but white is cleaner and brighter look. I have a white crib and it has some dings in it because we got it from a friend. Its harder to see the dings in it maybe because its white. I wouldnt worry about how clean it is, they wont be doing much in it other than sleeping, unless they will have playtime with play dough in there;)

  2. I vote white furniture. Like you said, it makes the room seem bigger, and it just seems more nursery appropriate.

  3. I like white for the reasons you mentioned. Don't worry about it getting dirty. We had white nursery furniture and it was fine. The rest of my house? Another story.

  4. I like the black...although the white does seem a little nursery-ish. But, if it were me, I would definitely choose the black.

  5. i have an espresso crib and i LOVE it, the only problem with that is that other furniture is hard to find the same color. we also have a white one we got for the in laws house, and i like it a lot more than i thought i would. oh i dont know, i think the color of the crib should be whatever matches your bedding best. maybe choose your bedding and bedroom colors and such first? that might make it easier

  6. Thanks for the imput everyone! Looks like im leaning more towards white now...i think ;0) ♥

  7. I had a white crib-- definately more 'baby' I think. Black can show dirt just as easy as white, I personally believe black shows more dirt/dust/drops of drool MORE than white.

    Just my opinion... I'm sure you'll make the choice and love it :)

  8. Black might work if it's a boy and you have a jungle theme, but white is so much cheerier and brighter and more babyish to me. It won't get too dirty unless you keep him/her in there all the time:)

  9. I like the white. I also think it's gonna be a boy!:)
