Lately it seems as though Matt and i are ALWAYS working and havent had much time to ourselves and since our schedules finally gave us the same day off we decided to escape Chico and go to the Sacramento ZOO! ..(even though gas has been CrAzY expensive lately) holy cow! Anywho it was well worth it becuase we had SO much fun! :0) First we had a picnic next to a pond in a really pretty park next to the zoo and fed the sqirrels too :0) Then we walked around and looked at all the cOOl animals! I had my camera out the whole time and took pictures of just about every animal there :0) my favorite animal was this one called Matt ;0) jk The baby Siberian Tigers were adorable and the chimpanzees were hillarious!! It was a gorgeous day to be outside which made it all the better.The only part i didnt enjoy was getting stung by a giant bee!!..just my luck! lol i had fun the rest of the time..as you can see :0)

I finally saw where I could make a comment!! I LOVE seeing the pics and reading about your activities! It's such a great way to keep updated! Thank you for doing this - my final comments - MORE, MORE, MORE! Love, Mom Gates