So matt and i got sick of working and decided to go camping on our day off :0) On monday night after work and school we rounded up our camping poles sleeping bags flashlights and food :0) We found a campground when we went fishing the week before and decided to go there for the night.It was already dark when we started driving to the mountains..we were the only ones on the road the whole way was so dark, we could only see the road and the dark shadow of trees on both sides of we turned a corner on the windy path, there was a man standing in the middle of the road and we had to slam on our brakes!! As we looked at the dark man we saw something gleaming in the moonlight and realized the man had a HOOK for a hand!!...Just kidding :0) We were trying to scare eachother though :0) we DID have to stop for a deer to cross the road :0) however, we managed to scare eachother enough that we hoped other people would be camping too :0) we finally made it to the campground and were a little relieved to see fires from other campers in the dark.We found a good spot for the night and made a fire to roast our hotdogs and smores..we were starving!! It was really nice outside so Matt and i decided to 'sleep under the stars' which i havent done all about having a tent to shield me from all the things that CrAwL but i thought id give it a try :0) i insisted that we sleep on the picnic table at least so we wouldnt wake up covered in bugs..we squeazed into one sleeping bag on the unusually small picnic table and had the most uncomfortable half night's sleep ever! lol We woke up at like 4am and decided to sleep in the car for the rest of the night ;0)We woke up the next morning, got out our fishing gear and went fly FiShInG :0) it was a beautiful day to be outside and we had fun hiking and fishin..we both managed to catch a few fish each and i of course managed to get a usual :0) we started fishing at 10am and didnt stop until 4:30pm! Needless to say were both pretty sore today :0) Fishing is one of our favorite things to do though and i would recommend it to anyone who enjoys to be outdoors ;0)