
Burney Falls Camping Trip 2012

SO Matt had a few extra days off so we decided to be crazy brave and go camping with the boys!!! We loaded up the kiddos and the Happy Camper and headed to Burney Falls!
We found a good camp site and set up shop :0) The first thing we did was go on a hike to the waterfall (one of the prettiest ive seen!)
Everett loves being outside and pretty much slept during the whole hike :0)
Easton did so good on the hike! He never complained once and had a blast checking out the waterfall/walking along the river with mommy and daddy :0)
Me and my boys ♥
We ended up having to carry him for the last half mile or so...needless to say I he was pretty warn out by the time we were done! Worn out = good nap! ;0)
When we got back to camp, we started making our hobo packs for dinner! Hobo packs are pretty much the BEST camping dinners.ever! It has become a camping tradition of ours to make them!
YUM-O! :0)
Here is momma being scary silly around the campfire with smores in her teeth ;0) LOL!!! (picture via Easton!)
We had to keep Easton from the fire several times. He doesnt get the concept yet that fire is dangerous! It will be nice for mommy and daddy's anxiety when he understands those things better ;0) Easton and Everett slept like champs in the happy camper! It didnt get super freezing at night either which was a big plus :0) The next morning we ate breakfast by the campfire and then decided to hike to the falls one last time before we left. I brought my fishing pole this time (just in case!) and Matt was nice enough to watch the kiddos while i fished under the waterfall! I fished there for just about 20min and caught 5 fish!!! IT.MADE.MY.LIFE!
I dont remember the last time this momma was able to go fishing so it was a pretty awesome feeling to have a fish on the end of my line again! (best.feeling.EVER!) Here is a photoshoot with my fish. (i always take a pic of them before i let them go :0)
The biggest fish i caught was 14-15 inches! This is us on the hike back to camp :0)
and our failed attempt at a family picture ;0)
All in all it was a GREAT little camping trip! I look forward to the next one with my boys ♥ The End


  1. Ohhhhhhhhh - I'm so glad you all had such a great time!!!!! And, I know it must have been a bit of heaven for you, Tenille, to go fishin'!! It is amazingly beautiful at Burney Falls - I imagine you'll be going there again!!! It's sheer joy for me and Doug to see all the photos of your adorable family!! Love you all!! xoxo Mom

  2. i LOVE burney falls!! so fun. and your family picture at the end was a favorite of mine, i would frame that!!!
